Freo Street Doctor
Freo Street Doctor is a mobile medical health service that provides a visible, easily accessible and non-judgemental primary health care service to marginalised, disadvantaged and homeless people in our community. The service aims to care for those members of our community who for many reasons may not access mainstream general practice. The medical practice is accredited according to RACGP standards.
The service provides over 4500 consultations annually with over 35 per cent of patients visiting the Freo Street Doctor identifying as homeless and 38 per cent of patients self-identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Over 80 per cent of clients present with more than one medical condition and over 90 per cent of clients used Freo Street Doctor as their primary healthcare provider.
The Freo Street Doctor team is staffed by General Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Outreach Workers and Social Workers.
The service can help people with health issues including:
- Immunisation
- Family planning
- General health assessments
- Pap smears
- Alcohol and drug related assistance
- STI / pregnancy tests
- Counselling
- Mental health services
- Wound dressing
- Sexual health
- Nutritional advice
- Diabetes education
Accessing Street Doctor
Clinics are held for three hours at weekly clinics across the cities of Fremantle, Cockburn, Melville, Canning and Rockingham. Freo Street Doctor works closely with local community support services, medical specialists and allied health professionals to ensure a high level of patient care.
This service is provided free of charge. All consultations and procedures are bulk billed, ensuring no cost to the patient. A Medicare card is required. However, patients may incur out-of-pocket expenses for referred services.
Consulting Hours
The Freo Street Doctor truck does not operate on Public Holidays.
Click here to download the full list of clinic times and locations or refer to the schedule below:
Regular Clinic Hours:
- 9.00am – 12.00pm: Willagee Library (Corner Archibald Street and Winnacott Street, Willagee) This clinic will be located at the rear carpark of the Willagee Community Centre until further notice.
- 1.00pm – 4.00pm: Foundation Housing (100 Hampton Road, Fremantle)
- 9.30am – 12.30pm: St Pat’s Community Centre (12 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle)
- 10.00am – 2.00pm: Rockingham Salvation Army (Corner Willmott Drive and Read Street, Rockingham)
- 10.00am – 1.00pm: The Shop Front, Bentley (59 John Street, Bentley)
- 9.00am – 12.00pm: Jean Willis Centre (Corner Ingram Street and Healy Road, Hamilton Hill)
- 9.00am – 12.00pm: Fremantle Oval (South Fremantle Oval, Dockers old training ground, Parry Street, Fremantle)
- 10.00am – 1.00pm: Wandjoo Garden (Next to Mirrabooka Community Hub) Kalyakool Lane/Milldale Way
- 9.30am – 12.30pm: St Pat’s Community Centre (12 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle)
- 9.30am – 12.30pm: Second Harvest (8 Caffrey Place, Hamilton Hill)
- 11.00am – 2.00pm: Davis Park, Beaconsfield (Conway Ct, Beaconsfield)
GPs and Nurse Practitioners
- Ms C POON (Nurse Practitioner)
No referral or appointment necessary.
Patients are generally seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Please let the driver or outreach worker know if your reason for visiting the van is urgent. For further information on the service, please send us an email or call 08 9432 0480.
Information about your consultation
Management of Patient Information
All patient information is confidential. Freo Street Doctor maintains the security of personal health information at all times and we will not give your details to any third parties without your consent. You may request a copy of your health record at any time. Please contact us if you wish to access your records, or request your information by completing this form.
Test Results and Follow-Ups
Please ensure that we have your correct contact information so that any test results can be followed up quickly if required. You will be contacted by the service should the Doctor need to discuss your results with you. Otherwise, please allow three working days for results to be received, before returning to the clinic to discuss. We do not provide results over the phone. If follow-up consultations or referrals to other services are needed, the doctor on duty will discuss this with you.
There are arrangements to exchange clinical details about patient care for doctors who perform home and other visits on behalf of the patient’s regular doctor and the care provided is documented in the patient’s medical records.
Reminder System
Freo Street Doctor is committed to preventative care. The duty doctor will seek your permission for you to be included on our reminder system. We may contact you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please advise the clinical staff.
Feedback & Complaints
We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. If you have a problem or complaint please feel free to talk to the staff or leave your feedback in the Suggestion Box with the outreach worker. You can also complete this feedback form.
Alternatively, you may contact the Health and Disability Complaints Office (HsDSCO).
- Complaints & Enquiries Line: (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583 (free from landlines)
- Translating and Interpreting Service: or call 131 450
- National Relay Service: 1800 555 660
Contacting Us
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 4:00pm. If we are not able to take your call, you may leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can within the next working day. Any email contact will also be answered by the next working day.
Freo Street Doctor GPs do not offer home visits to our patients. The practice ensures that there is an alternate system of care that patients can access, should they require a home or after-hours visit. Patients are referred to the free Dial a Doctor home visiting service.
There are arrangements to exchange clinical details about patient care for doctors who perform home and other visits on behalf of the patient’s regular doctor and the care provided is documented in the patient’s medical records.
Sponsor a Clinic
Black Swan Health welcomes all financial support for Freo Street Doctor. We undertake all opportunities to maintain a financially viable service and all donations support additional clinic sessions.
Each donation of $500 will support expenses associated with a Freo Street Doctor clinic including salary for the outreach worker and GP, vehicle running costs and medical supplies used in the provision of health care.
Please help by making a donation
Freo Street Doctor is proudly supported by
Government of Western Australia, SEACORP,
The Wylie Foundation – Peter Wylie, Roy & Winsome Perron, the Soroptimist International of Fremantle
Country Women’s Association WA, Department of Health, City of Cockburn, City of Canning, City of Rockingham, The Fremantle Foundation – Luke Thompson Legacy, SHACKS Motor Group, City of Fremantle, Fremantle Masters Swimming Club (Freo Fins), Mostyn Family Foundation, Royal Fremantle Golf Club
Principal Sponsors
Major Donors
Soroptimist International – Fremantle | The Wylie Foundation – Peter Wylie | Roy Perron & Winsome Perron