Contact Us

Contact Details

Phone: 1300 820 398
Fax: (08) 9201 0033
ABN: 64 169 929 677

Our Offices

Osborne Park

Head Office

137-151 Main Street
Osborne Park, WA 6017


Located in: Sanori House
22 Reid Promenade
Joondalup, WA 6027


Suite 19
53 The Crescent
Midland, WA, 6056


Cockburn Integrated Health
Suite 14, 11 Wentworth Parade
Cockburn, WA, 6164


Suites 105-108
First Floor, Wesley Central
Cnr Cantonment St & Market St
Fremantle, WA, 6160


Rockingham Lotteries House
6 Civic Boulevard
Rockingham WA 6168

We want to hear from you

We welcome consumer feedback from all clients, carers and other visitors on any of the programs and services we provide. You are welcome to use an advocacy service or make a complaint anonymously. Please click on the feedback button below or contact us using the details above.

Feedback Form

If you need assistance in making a complaint, please contact the Health Consumers’ Council (WA) on 1800 620 780. If you are not happy with our response you may contact:

Health and Disability Complaints Office (HaDSCO).
Phone: 1800 813 583
Website: Health and Disability Services Complaints Office:

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:
Phone: 1800 035 544
Website: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:

Request for Information

If you would like to request any client health information, please complete our Request and Release of Client Health Information form in full, with the applicable program name and your signature. Once this is complete, you can upload and submit your request by clicking the button below. Subpoenas will be actioned within the required court date. All other Request for Information will be actioned and closed within 30 days in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Request for Information